
Polishing treatment


A small scratch, a film of oxidation on the paintwork. When it’s not actual "bodywork" damage, then we can take care of it ourselves!
The secret lies in always using a superior product and one that guarantees the very best in performance and easy-application.
MA-FRA has created the medium-fine abrasive paste DELUX to resolve these “little” problems by eliminating scratches, small blemishes and oxidisation from all paintwork in a matter of minutes.
DELUX is also perfect on chrome and was designed to remedy the many “little problems” that are part and parcel of Car and Motorbike paintwork.
DELUX is not just a product for the individual user. Its characteristics and advanced quality make it the product of choice also in the body shops.
MA-FRA DELUX is available in 200ml and 400ml formats.

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